Tuesday 2 June 2015

where it all happens

Someone elsewhere has said they are finding it difficult to visualise where everything is, so I took a photo of my home on google satellite, removed the identifying bits and have posted it here for those who are interested.

The two buildings with grey roofs, pretty much right in the middle of the picture, are the house and garage; the smaller one is the garage and the other, ‘helpfully’ labelled by google as ‘The Bungalow’ is the house – it is not and never has been a bungalow! The building with the red roof belongs to our neighbours (two of them - the houses are semis); we do believe that before these houses were built, the land they stand on belonged to our house (long before we came). There used to be a lane that ran round the back of our house and came back to the road to the left of the semis next door. The lane still exists to the left, but behind the house (between us and the recreation ground) has long since been incorporated into our garden. It would therefore make sense if next door's properties had been part of ours, as it made a kind of 'island' with the road all round.

To the left and behind the garage is the vegetable garden – it is not as overgrown as it looks here. The compost area is at the left hand end of the garage. 

Attached to the right hand end of the garage is the greenhouse, sandwiched between the potting shed (the one I removed recently) and the old chicken house (burnt down by locals some years ago). 

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