Thursday 11 June 2015

Lawns and Johanna

Lawns and Johanna

Who’s Johanna? Well, I’ll get to her in a moment.

Sometimes a day is just doing the mundane and today was just that – lawn mowing! We have quite a lot of lawn and while we were waiting for the compost bin to be completed, the lawn got a little neglected.

The lawn to the side of the house is mostly in shade so it doesn’t grow as fast as the rest. I started with that one.

Then I moved on to the main lawn. This gets sunshine most of the day, so it looked more like a hay meadow than a lawn, to be honest. You can't really see it in the photo, but there are daisies, forget-me-nots, plantain and meadow sweet everywhere, and the grass is at least 4-6" long.

About three hours later, it was trim and tidy.

I did keep one small patch of wild flowers – well, they look so cheerful, I didn’t have the heart to chop them all down.

We worked out that it is about three miles to walk up and down all the lawns and back and forwards to the compost area!

Now to Johanna.  First she’s a what, not a who. Although we now have the huge bin just built, as we are in the countryside, next to fields, we are concerned about possible rats infesting it. And rats like nothing better than waste food to chomp on. So rather than put the household waste into the open compost bin, we have an enclosed bin as well. But not just any enclosed bin – this is a ‘green Johanna’. 

It is specifically designed to encourage decomposition faster and at higher temperatures than a normal compost bin. In fact, it is so efficient you can do the unthinkable – you can compost cooked waste too! Even bones! And all the better for being completely rat proof – at least, that what it says in the information that came with it. Only time will tell if it does what it says on the box.

These compost bins are a bit pricey, but some councils have a scheme where they are encouraging people to throw away less for landfill and will supply a green Johanna for around £20. It’s worth checking with your own local council before paying out for one yourself.

Links to green Johanna websites:

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