Friday 5 June 2015

Getting My Own Back

Getting My Own Back

Remember this?

The nettles are growing apace and starting to flower – and where there are flowers, there soon follow seeds. Drastic action was needed – and quickly! I decided to get my own back a little today, for the pain inflicted. Much as I enjoy pulling the nettles out by their roots, there are far too many of them, so I took the shears to them and went from this…

to this…

You can now see the base of the old greenhouse quite clearly. It is 12’ long and 8’ wide.

The whole area here will be taken up with a chicken run; the chicken shed will stand on the old greenhouse base. With the progress we are making, we could be getting our chickens sooner rather than later. The whole area will eventually be 18 feet wide by 27 feet long, and will be securely enclosed and as rat proof as I can make it.

To the left of the end of the greenhouse is a gate leading through to the driveway. it was invisible before, due to the nettles and brambles growing over it. between the gate and the greenhouse base, there is a paved area - ideal for when we eventually do get those chicken. it's still covered with soil and debris at the moment, but it will be fairly easy to clear.

All those nettles make quite a heap! It has been suggested that I put them in a bucket and cover them with water to make a ‘nettle fertiliser’. It will need a bin, not a bucket! Come to think of it, I think we might still have an old plastic dustbin about somewhere…

As you can see, I had a bit of help! 

And there are still more to do. The other side of that section that looks like a hedge (self-sown raspberries) is my mini orchard which is still waist high in nettles. <<sigh>>

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