Monday 29 June 2015

Gates - the tour part 2

 Separating all these areas (see previous post) are, naturally, several gates or gateways. The long garden is accessed twice – once from the main garden (from the crazy paving area)

and once from the square garden

Ivy covered archway makes for an intriguing glimpse beyond

There is also a gate from the square garden into the driveway – taken from the square garden…

This gate is right next to the shed that was attached to the greenhouse

…and the same gate from the driveway

I guess that's what you might call 'inaccessible'

Across the drive is a gate into the vegetable garden…

…and from the other side

Another gate leads from the drive into an enclosed yard at the back of the house

The main gate to the property could do with a facelift, but it is serviceable for the time being and can be locked

Looking down the drive beyond the gate to the road

Finally, there is a gate from the driveway into the side garden, which is almost always left open.

There used to be a gate from the main garden into the square garden too, but that has long since perished.

You can just make out the old gate post attached to the wall on the left

Many of these gates need replacing, or at least a coat of paint, but one thing at a time J

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