Thursday 19 November 2015

Decorating 13

Well, the deadline has arrived. Tomorrow, the furniture should arrive nice and early and then the occupant and my OH should turn up together about lunch time. Hopefully, everything will be in place by the time they get here.

You will be pleased to hear the rain finally stopped - and so did the drip-drip-drip of the leak. Thankfully, it seems to be drying out without having ruined too much. I might have to give the walls a quick coat of paint, but everything else seems to be fine. Let's hope the rain doesn't return before we can fix the leak!

So, today's work.

First, I painted the gloss in the kitchen. It wasn't a lot, but it was fiddly, as it was mostly door frame. Most of the skirting board is hidden behind the units, so there was very little to do there.

After that, I set about tidying and cleaning. I had hoovered the bedrooms yesterday, 

so I started with the bathroom today. I cleaned the floor, sink, toilet and the floor where the bath is going to go.

Then I hoovered the stairs and landing, followed by the hall.

That was the easy bit!

Next came the living room. There were tools and decorating equipment all over the place, not to mention some stray bits of wallpaper trimmings and lots of mess! I had brought two large boxes (I could have done with three). In one, I put the loose tools; in the other, decorating things. The pasting table and some of the decorating equipment I took upstairs for when I paint and paper the front bedroom. I rehung the curtains and poles at each end, then cleared the window sills and the fireplace. Then I hoovered the floor. It was slow work, as there were a lot of little bits all over the place. Once I had hoovered most of the stuff up, I then got down on my hands and knees and did the floor again, using the stair attachment, to make sure all the bits were hoovered up. It seemed to take ages, but that might have had something to do with the fact I went home for lunch part way through!

Once the living room was done, I had to tackle the kitchen. The boxes and tool cases were removed to the car, along with a few other bits and pieces, like the paint roller tray and the tins of colour I no longer need. The rubbish was all bagged and thrown in the bin.

The cupboards were not particularly clean, so staring on top of the wall cupboards, I cleaned every one of them thoroughly. The work surfaces, hob and sink/drainer got similar treatment. It is as clean as I could get it short of buying replacement units! Lastly, I washed the floor.

The whole thing has taken ten hours! Who'd be a cleaner? Or painter and decorator, come to that?

So, is that it? What else is there still to do?
  • Stair lift needs fitting
  • New light in kitchen
  • Blinds in kitchen and bathroom
  • Door in side of garage
  • New door on front of garage
  • Front bedroom still to decorate
  • Border paper in kitchen - almost forgot I had bought this!
  • The garden needs a complete overhaul
Not much left then, lol!!

1 comment:

  1. Hope all went well with the move and that everything and everyone is where they are supposed to be. You've both done a great job.
