5th July 2023
The wasps' nest is dead. But there were three or four individuals buzzing about, who didn't seem to know quite what to do with themselves. I stopped for a chat with my neighbour and she said she'd had a wasps' nest that had only one wasp at the time, but it managed to fly away and then started a new nest in her bird box. I presume hers was the queen or something, but I didn't want to take any chances so I donned my midge net and managed to dispatch three of them, before tackling the next section of the conservatory.
First thing I did was to remove the spring base of the old bed. It had been standing against the back wall, but has now gone. It wasn't easy to get out, as it flexed and was warped. So this is the wall without the bed base:
I also managed to drag the cabinet to the other end of the conservatory so I could clean behind it. It was really heavy and either I will need OH's help to get it out of the conservatory, or else it will need to be dismantled.
The sofa is also now at the other end - again, I'll need OH's help to shift it, especially as there are three steps and a sharp turn to negotiate to get it from the conservatory to the path. The mattress with the wasps' nest is still there, hidden behind the sofa.
So the area at the back is now cleaned:
But it wasn't all plain sailing. For one thing, there were a lot of matted root fibres spread underneath the leaves and other debris. These had of course been attached to the main root from the tree. It had been very widespread indeed. And it has, to a limited degree, damaged the concrete floor. When I say it's limited, I mean it has taken the surface off, but still hasn't penetrated. I understand there is a kind of sealant that will also level the floor. Need a bit more research into that.
I even found a disused bird's nest on the shelving in the corner.
The rest, as they say, is now history. Filled another four rubble sacks, which makes either 14 or 16 - I lost count lol.
So, it's DONE - apart from a couple
of things I can't lift by myself.
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